Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 training

Today we explore the depths of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training. Each level is described in detail starting with level one.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 - Getting started

Getting Started

Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing website

Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website

Wealthy Affiliate Level 3 - Making Money

Making Money!

Wealthy Affiliate Level 4 Mastering Social Engagement

Mastering Social Engagement

Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creation

Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

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Each level has lessons designed to grow your comprehension of Affiliate Marketing. Each lesson has content in the form of video, text and audio which is directly related to the lesson. Each task reinforces lesson content and begins your journey to becoming a wealthy affiliate. Level 1 getting started training consists of 10 main lessons and 27 tasks. The breakdown is below

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 – Getting Started

Lesson 1 – Getting Started

In this lesson you are given a tour of the site, learn how to complete the account setup, Read the Wealthy Affiliate Story, and Learn About the Premium Membership Offer. The tasks for this lesson are:

Watch The Walk Through video
Complete the Account Set-up Process on your profile (image, description, goals) – This is important as it helps to build trust in the community
Read Our Story, and Learn About the Premium Membership Offer – Provides an understanding of the longevity of Wealthy Affiliate.

lesson 2 – Understanding How to Make Money Online.

This lesson’s focus is How Will YOU Make Money Online? and expectation management. There is a section on Understand the Make Money Process and Create (Write Down) Your Financial Goals. The tasks for this lesson are:

Watch the How to Make Money Online – The Process Explained – Provides the scope of the opportunity to make money online with affiliate marketing.
Understand the “The Process of Earning Money Online” Infographic – Provides a visual representation of earning money through affiliate marketing.
Join in on this discussion and add your personal “money” goals – This is about laying on the table what your dreams and aspirations are to hold yourself to account
Comment on at least TWO People’s Goals – This is to show you that you are not alone, there are lots of people with similar goals

Lesson 3 – Choosing a Niche

This lesson focuses on Niche selection – You will learn about Niche selection, and how to choose a niche that is right for you and your profit. The tasks for this lesson are:

Watch the “Choosing a Direction” video – Choosing a niche can be difficult, this video steps you through the process of choosing a niche.
Choose YOUR Niche! – It’s okay to make a decision on your niche, it won’t be the last one.

lesson 4 – Building your niche website.

The lesson provides discussion on choosing the type of website, and website names then selecting a design.

Watch the “Building Your Website in Under 30 Seconds Video” – This is literally how to build the framework of your site in 30 seconds and yes it is 30 seconds
Build your first website in your respective niche (chosen from the last lesson). You have done the lessons now to put the rubber to the road and take action to build your website.

Lesson 5 – setting up your website.

In this lesson it’s about setting your website up, getting the Search Engine Optimization settings set, installing and activating plugs and deleting unnecessary pages and posts. There are 4 tasks associated with this lesson which are:

Watch the Setting Up Your Niche Website – The Initial Steps Video – In the last lesson you built the basic elements of your site, now it’s time to focus on your niche
Log into your website WordPress ADMIN area
Activate The SEO Framework (simply click Activate)
Delete the default Post, Pages and Comments(if they exist)

Lesson 6 – Getting Your Site Ready for Search Engines.

You will learn how to set up the framework on your site to enable the search engines to better understand your site. Pay attention to this lesson, it will ensure your content is seen by the major search engines.

Watch the Setting Your Website Up for Search Engines video walk-through
Setup The SEO Framework Settings

Lesson 7 – Creating Your Initial Website Content.

This lesson is critical because the content of your site is the honeypot that attracts visitors to your site. The lesson introduces you to the Site Content tool specifically to help write quality content and your initial site content pages. Note it is okay if you are not a great writer site content will help. There are three tasks for this lesson which are:

Watch the “Creating Your Initial Website Framework” Walk-through Video
Create & Publish Your “About Me” POST
Create & Publish Your Privacy Policy PAGE

Lesson 8 – Creating Custom Menus on Your Website.

The look and feel of your website are important for first impressions of your site. The next important area is navigation and menus is one of the critical elements for navigating your site. The focus of this lesson is customizing your menus to the way you want them to look and feel. There are three tasks for this lesson which are:

Watch the Creating Custom Menus & Navigation Video
Create a Custom Menu on Your Website

Lesson 9 – Understanding Keywords, The Start of Your Content.

Earlier I said content was king, and that is true once you know what content you are going to do that.The way to identifying what content you will create is through identifying the keywords that you’re site will rank for. This lesson teaches just how to identify keywords your site can rank for. There are 3 tasks in this lesson they are:

Watch the Keyword Mastery Video Walk-Through
Perform at Least 5 Searches Using Jaaxy (do as many as you want though)
Find 5 Keywords that meet the keyword criteria (related to niche, 30 avg searches, less than 100 competition)

Lesson 10 – Congratulations and Your Next Steps.

This is a recap of what has been accomplished over the preceding lessons and provides a premium membership benefits overview and links to the level two certification. You can see Lesson 10 here https://sidegig.business/WALesson10

Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creationLevel 5 Achieving maximum success through content creation.

Read our Wealthy Affiliate Review

Our wealthy affiliate review covers the parts of the wealthy affiliate site that are not covered here, things like membership, website hosting, earning money and more.

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