Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 – Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

Today we explore the depths of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) Level 5 training achieving maximum success through content creation. Read below what each of the sections and associated tasks consists of to inform you about how this training may benefit your income aspirations.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 - Getting started

Getting Started

Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing website

Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website

Wealthy Affiliate Level 3 - Making Money

Making Money!

Wealthy Affiliate Level 4 Mastering Social Engagement

Mastering Social Engagement

Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creation

Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

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Lesson 1 – Content is YOUR Business

In this lesson, you are taken on a journey through the 4 core elements that build a thriving affiliate blog. There is a discussion on what the search engines are looking for, hint it’s not just keywords anymore.

Watch the “How to Create an Online Business – The 4 Steps” Video
Create one new post (targeting a brand new keyword)
Offer at Least 4 Comments Using the SiteComments PlatformRequest 2 Comments Using Site
Comments to get site engagement on your website

lesson 2 – Setting Up Google Search Console

Google provides the Google Search Console for free to advise to you how your site is fairing on their search engine. The data available in GSC provides valuable insight as to the performance of your site. In this lesson, you learn how to locate and then interpret the GSC data to enable changes on your site to improve your search rankings.

Watch the “Setting Up Google Search Console” Video
Set up your Google Search Console Account
Verify Your Search Console Account
Set Up Your Sitemap
Create one post (targeting a new keyword) and publish it

Lesson 3 – Speeding Up Website Indexing

New content inbound will update once available. Here is one suggestion to help with indexing and that is to go to Google Search Console and manually ask Google to crawl your new post or page.

lesson 4 – Enhancing Content Readability Through Design

In this lesson, you learn about how to design your posts or pages for readability. It’s one thing to have people find your site it is totally different to have them read and engage with your content. This is where this lesson is handy to provide you with a framework to build from.

Watch Video Walkthrough on How to Create Readable Content That Ranks
Create a publish a keyword targeted post (focus on the 6 “readability” items)
Get Website Feedback on your new review with the review thread

Lesson 4

Lesson 5 – A Year is a Short Period of Time, Yet BIG for Business

Right now if you are considering creating an Affiliate Marketing business then you are most like more interested in the here and now rather than 12 months from now. But think about this, where could you be if you took daily or weekly action to build this business correctly. You could be making the decision to quit your 9 to 5, this lesson gives you a realistic look at where this business model could take you if you apply yourself.

Create a publish a new keyword targeted post (non review)
Get Website Feedback on your new post
Upgrade to a Yearly Membership (optional

Lesson 6 – Writing Within a Devised Plan Architecture

One of the problems people face when building this business is the volume of content, that needs to be created, it becomes overwhelming for some, but others do this business with ease. Yes some outsource, but if you want to do this yourself efficiently then you will need a plan. I struggled with this part initially because I pretty much winged the content and what I wrote. Sure I was targeting keywords but I did not have a plan on how to structure my content. This lesson taught me how to do that.

Watch the How to Efficiently Architect Content Video
Create a publish a new product/service review (keep in mind your plan)
Offer at Least 4 Comments Using the SiteComments Platform
Request 2 Comments Using SiteComments

Lesson 7 – Writing Your Content With Conversion Intent

I would imagine that you have been to a website where every single part of the site was trying to sell you something, it was just glaring at you. I reckon you would have left that site pretty quickly because you would have felt that the site did not have your interests at heart. Creating content that sells without being pushy or without your reader’s interest at the forefront is a learned skill that this lesson covers very well.

Watch the “Creating Content With the Intent to Sell” Video
Create a publish a new review utilising a “call to action”

Lesson 8 – Injecting Comments with Intent

The comment section of posts is an often underutilized area on blogs that can be used to increase rankings and provide direction to your readers. This lesson describes the process of using the comments section for maximum effect.

Watch Video Walk-through Injecting Comments With Intent
Go through at least 5 posts and add intent to comments
Create one new post targeting a new keyword

Lesson 9 – Bing and Yahoo, They Are Still the 10%

While Google is the king of Search Engines, Yahoo and Bing also provide valuable traffic and should not be dismissed. This lesson demonstrates how to gain traffic from other search engines.

Watch the “Setting Up Bing Webmaster Tools” Video
Set-up Your Bing Webmaster Tools Account
Watch the “How to Submit a SiteMap to Bing” Video Walk-through
Submit a SiteMap to Bing

Lesson 10 – Articulating a PLAN for the months and year ahead

Earlier we talked about 12 months from now and what that could look like for you. Well articulating a plan is how you lay out your path to your goals. This lesson walks you through the process of developing your plan and provides additional resources to scale your business.

Create a list of your content goals (3, 6, 12, 18, 24)
Create a list of your goals for the week ahead
Build a list of 30 keyword/review content ideas
Create and publish ONE new post

Click below to jump to the other OEC training levels

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 - Getting startedLevel 1 Getting Started
Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing websiteLevel 2 Building your own traffic-producing website
Wealthy Affiliate Level 3 - Making MoneyLevel 3 Making money
Wealthy Affiliate Level 4 Mastering Social EngagementLevel 4 Mastering Social Engagement
Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creationLevel 5 Achieving maximum success through content creation.

Read our Wealthy Affiliate Review

Our wealthy affiliate review covers the parts of Wealthy Affiliate that are not covered here, things like membership, website hosting, earning money and more.

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