Wealthy Affiliate OEC Level 3 – Making Money!

Today we explore the depths of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) Level 3 – Making Money training. The Making money training consists of 10 sections and 29 tasks. Read below what each of the sections and associated tasks consists of to inform you about how this training may benefit your affiliate asspirations.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 - Getting started

Getting Started

Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing website

Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website

Wealthy Affiliate Level 3 - Making Money

Making Money!

Wealthy Affiliate Level 4 Mastering Social Engagement

Mastering Social Engagement

Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creation

Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

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Each level has lessons designed to grow your comprehension of Affiliate Marketing. Each lesson has video, text and audio content that is directly related to the lesson. Each task reinforces lesson content and begins your journey to become a wealthy affiliate. Read on to learn more.

Lesson 1 – Understanding the MONEY in Online Business

Comprehending how money is generated through affiliate marketing is a principle that needs to be understood to achieve your dreams. This lesson addresses these principles in a way that is simple and relatable to real-world applications.

Read the Customer Purchase Lifecycle training – Understanding the Customer Purchasing Lifecycle will help you shape your pages and post to your customer’s needs in their journey.
Write ONE page/post targeting a new keyword and publish it on your website – It’s important to keep a steady stream of content filling your website.

lesson 2 – Understanding Affiliate Programs & Networks

In this lesson, you discover affiliate programs & networks that are suitable for your niche, you will also learn that not all affiliate programs and networks are not equal. Knowing the parameters required to enter some affiliate programs & networks will shape your expectations and provide you with the direction for gaining access to some of these affiliate programs and networks. This lesson is often overlooked but is valuable for your understanding, but also expectation management, well worth taking the time to comprehend what is said.

Watch the “Understanding the Basics of Affiliate Marketing” Video
Join at least ONE affiliate network
Create ONE new page or post on your website and publish
Use the SiteFeedback platform to get at least one review of your new post

Lesson 3 – Relevant Affiliate Programs are Everywhere

Adding relevant affiliate links to your site is a fundamental requirement for your site to make money, but the key is relevant affiliate links. Finding the right type of affiliate link is not always straightforward, at times can be very difficult to find the right affiliate product. This lesson takes the guesswork out of finding relevant affiliate links.

Watch the “How to Find Relevant Affiliate Programs” Video Walk-through
Search for and join at least 2 “Niche Relevant” Affiliate Programs

lesson 4 – Adding Affiliate Links to Your Pages

For many adding affiliate links is straightforward, but for others that may not be the case, Wealthy Affiliate caters to all levels of experience hence this lesson steps you through the process of adding affiliate links to your website. Getting this wrong is not good, getting this right is good.

Watch the “How to Add Affiliate Links” Video
Add at least 3 affiliate links to your content

Lesson 5 – Instant Access to MILLIONS of products

In this lesson, you learn about the Amazon affiliate program, how you can benefit, plus other product affiliate programs. You can do very well with the right content linked with a relevant product. Lots of nuggets in this lesson.

Add ONE Relevant Amazon Product to Your Site
Create ONE page or post and publish it on your website (targeting a new keyword)

Lesson 6 – Leveraging Product Reviews

This lesson teaches you how product reviews help purchasers in their decision to buy a product that you have reviewed. The importance of this can not be understated, in relation to what a product review does for the purchaser. This is where understanding the buying cycle will help you understand the power of product reviews done right, which is what this lesson teaches.

Watch the ” How to Create a Product Review on Your Website” video walk-through
Write and publish a review (make sure to include affiliate links)
Set up at least TWO Google alerts

Lesson 7 – Getting Paid for Ads on Your Site

This lesson guides you through setting up Google Adsense, to enable ads on your site. Fairly straightforward.

Sign up for Google Adsense
Create one new post targeting a low-hanging fruit keyword
Publish the post on your website
Research 10 New Keywords for Upcoming Content

Lesson 8 – Earning Pennies OR Dollars?

This lesson guides you through the various aspects of earning money from your site. There is no push one way or another just awareness of the pros and cons of the methods to enable you to make a conscious decision regarding the type of revenue-producing links you place on your site.

Add both advertising and an affiliate link to one of your pages or posts
Add an affiliate promotion to one of your pages or posts
Add advertising (Adsense, etc) to one of your pages or posts
Write a SINGULAR product review and add it as a post on your website

Lesson 9 – A Brilliant Way to Track & Understand Your Traffic

Once traffic starts flowing to your site, it becomes possible to finetune your site for your visitors, increasing its effectiveness. This lesson is your first foray into learning how to gather your site’s statistics, and then improve your site once sufficient data is gathered. Exciting times

Watch the “How to Install Google Analytics Using All in One Plugin” Video Walk-through
Create a Google Analytics account
Add Google Analytics to Your Website

Lesson 10 – With Help Comes Financial Success

The previous lessons have discussed the mechanics of how to create money from your site. This lesson provides an overview of your accomplishments so far and a very good perspective of the purpose of your site. This way you approach the purpose of your site and the application of this insight could be the difference for you in achieving your dreams.

Add ONE page or post to your website (targeting a new keyword)
Read the Post You Can Know a Little and Still Be Smart
Watch the “How to Create an Online Business in 4 Steps?” Video

Click below to jump to the other OEC training levels

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 - Getting startedLevel 1 Getting Started
Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing websiteLevel 2 Building your own traffic-producing website
Wealthy Affiliate Level 3 - Making MoneyLevel 3 Making money
Wealthy Affiliate Level 4 Mastering Social EngagementLevel 4 Mastering Social Engagement
Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creationLevel 5 Achieving maximum success through content creation.

Read our Wealthy Affiliate Review

Our wealthy affiliate review covers the parts of Wealthy Affiliate that are not covered here, things like membership, website hosting, earning money and more.

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