Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing website

Today we explore the depths of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) Level 2 training – Building your own traffic producing website. The focus of this post is to show you the type of learning available in the level 2 training so that you can make an informed decision.

The aim of the level 2 training is to guide you through the fundamentals of building your own traffic producing website. By the end of the training, you will have your own site, e-mail for your new site, a clear understanding of the keywords for your site, how traffic will come to your site, and how to target low hanging fruit in the keywords you found. There are 10 lessons and 36 tasks that guide you to achieving these outcomes.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 - Getting started

Getting Started

Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing website

Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website

Wealthy Affiliate Level 3 - Making Money

Making Money!

Wealthy Affiliate Level 4 Mastering Social Engagement

Mastering Social Engagement

Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creation

Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

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Lesson 1 – Your Own Domain, Your Brand.

This lesson goes over the reasons it’s important to have your own domain that you have full control. The siterubrix website you have with free membership is great for getting started, but it will not rank as well as your own domain. The lesson covers these points well and will show you how you can buy a domain with Wealthy Affiliates SiteDomain. Two tasks for this lesson see below:

Buy a Brandable Domain From SiteDomains
Watch the Choosing & Buying a Brandable Domain Name

Lesson 2 – Move On Over, My Brand Has Arrived

This lesson teaches you how to move your siterubrix to your own domain. This means all the work you have done in lesson 2 is saved and moved to your new domain. This is important because your content will start to rank quickly.

Watch the Transferring a Website to Your Own Domain Video
Transfer Your .SiteRubix.com Website to Your Own Domain

Lesson 3 – Creating Keyword Rich Content

In this lesson, you will be walked through the process of taking a keyword and creating a post on your website from that specific keyword. Super important to understand this lesson. 4 tasks for this lesson

Watch the “Creating Keyword Rich Content for SEO” Walk-through Video
Choose a Target Keyword for your First “Keyword Rich” Post
Use the SiteContent Template to Create/Write Your Article
Publish Your Article to Your Website as a Post

lesson 4 – Setting Up A Domain Specific Email Account

This lesson steps you through the process of creating an e-mail address for your domain, and the site feedback system within Wealthy Affiliate. The site feedback system is a unique feature of Wealthy Affiliate where you receive feedback about your site and can receive comments on your posts which helps with your ranking. 6 Tasks for this lesson.

Watch the “Creating Email Accounts” Video Walk-through
Set Up an Email Account OR an Email Forward
Update Your Email in Your Privacy Policy Page
Watch the SiteFeedback – Full Benefits & Walkthrough Video
Offer Feedback on at LEAST TWO Other Websites Within the SiteFeedback Platform
Post Your Website for Feedback Within the SiteFeedback Platform

Lesson 5 – The Traffic Breakdown

In this lesson, you learn the most current and powerful content marketing techniques and how content can lead to mass traffic. You are guided through creating a keyword rich post to publish to your site to start attracting visitors to your site, and the more visitors the more the site produces.

Create a New Keyword Rich Post & Publish
Read The Customer Purchase Lifecycle Training
Watch the How Content Can Lead to Mass Traffic Video

Lesson 6 – Making Use of Visuals

In this lesson, you will learn how to find images that suit the post you are creating. Most people are attracted initially by the look and feel of your website. The more attractive your images are the more likely it is someone will visit and stay on your page. At this point in the journey it’s about starting to finetune your site to increase retention on your site, because that is one metric that the search engines measure to assess your site’s authority.

Watch the “How to Find & Add Images to Your Website” Video
Add Relevant Imagery to Your Post
Add Relevant images to all of your other pages

Lesson 7 – Understanding the Low Hanging Fruit

In this lesson, it’s about targeting keywords that you can rank for. New sites don’t often rank that well for the high value keywords straight out of the gate because the search engines do not know how much authority or relevance the site has in relation to the high value keywords. This is why in the beginning sites target keywords with less competition and there are thousands of them.

Watch the “How to get Keyword Ranked With Low Hanging Fruit” Video Walkthrough
Come up with 5 keywords with under 50 QSR (Competition)
Create a Post Targeting a Low Hanging Fruit Keyword
Publish Your New Post to Your Website

Lesson 8 – Making face as a real person

Strange name for this lesson, but the message is clear, build trust with your audience by creating an avatar that will become the author and authority for your site. The lesson goes over the reason for doing this and the process of creating an avatar.

Watch the “How to Create a New User in WordPress” Video
Create a New User
Update All of Your Pages & Posts to Reflect New User

Lesson 9 – Amplifying Your Productivity

Learning to be productive consistently is the one thing that will determine the rate at which you achieve your goals. I struggled with this due to competing priorities, and still do, but this lesson helped me greatly to increase my productivity.

Research 5 New Low Competition Keywords
Create a New Keyword Rich Post in SiteContent (from your new list)
Publish the Content to Your Website

Lesson 10 – Boosting Your WA Ranks!

This lesson, is a recap of how much you have accomplished so far, and also describes how to begin building relationships within the Wealthy Affiliate community.

Watch the “Benefits of Being an Ambassador” Walk-through Video
Create one blog post within Wealthy Affiliate
Check Your Ambassadorship Rankings.
Comment on at least 2 Goal Posts
Help One Person Through the “Unanswered” tab on the Dashboard

Click below to jump to the other OEC training levels

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 - Getting startedLevel 1 Getting Started
Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing websiteLevel 2 Building your own traffic-producing website
Wealthy Affiliate Level 3 - Making MoneyLevel 3 Making money
Wealthy Affiliate Level 4 Mastering Social EngagementLevel 4 Mastering Social Engagement
Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creationLevel 5 Achieving maximum success through content creation.

Read our Wealthy Affiliate Review

Our wealthy affiliate review covers the parts of Wealthy Affiliate that are not covered here, things like membership, website hosting, earning money and more.

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