Wealthy Affiliate OEC Level 4 – Mastering Social Engagement

Today we explore the depths of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) Level 4 – Mastering Social Engagement training. 10 lessons 35 tasks training. Read below what each of the sections and associated tasks consists of to inform you about how this training may benefit your income aspirations.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 - Getting started

Getting Started

Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing website

Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website

Wealthy Affiliate Level 3 - Making Money

Making Money!

Wealthy Affiliate Level 4 Mastering Social Engagement

Mastering Social Engagement

Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creation

Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

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Each level has lessons designed to grow your comprehension of Affiliate Marketing. Each lesson has content in the form of video, text and audio which is directly related to the lesson. Each task reinforces lesson content and begins your journey to become a wealthy affiliate. This level is all about how to leverage social media to drive traffic to your site.

Lesson 1 – What Does Social Engagement Mean to Your Business

In this lesson, you learn the fundamentals of what social media can do for your business, and how it can lower risk and increase ROI. The lesson also provides a guide on how to use social media.

Create a Facebook Account
Create an Instagram Account
Create a Twitter Account
Create a Pinterest Account

lesson 2 – Making Your Website a Place to Engage

This lesson teaches how to extend your reach to provide greater opportunity for your target audience to connect with you, and discusses diversifying your traffic and engagement with your audience.

Watch the “How to Properly Manage Your Comments” Video
Create a New Post of Content with the “Engage” Factor
Share Your New Post Content on Your Social Networks

Lesson 3 – Using Facebook the Right Way

Ask yourself this, how many times have you tried to use Facebook to promote a product or sell an idea only to be unsuccessful in your attempts? If you have been unsuccessful then you are using Facebook the wrong way. This lesson shows you how to use Facebook the right way. Hint what is facebook’s purpose?

Create a Facebook Status Update that meets one of the SIX engagement aspects
Create a page/post on your website targeting a new topic or keyword
Share this page or post your website on Facebook and aim to engage

lesson 4 – Pinterest & the Visual Social Hemisphere

Pinterest has been around for a while now and has earned the reputation of a traffic gold mine, once again if done right. This lesson provides you with the fundamentals of using Pinterest to spread your reach and drive more traffic to your site.

Create a Pinterest Account
Follow at least 10 people within the Share Thread
Follow 5 people by searching for relevant users on Pinterest
Write ONE post and publish it
Pin your new post to your Pinterest account

Lesson 5 – Incorporating a Sound Tweeting Campaign

When Twitter first came out I thought it would not be around for long. Oh how wrong I was – I wish I had this lesson available when I first started affiliate marketing. Twitter is an amazing source of engagement with your audience and a source of traffic. This lesson does a good job of teaching how to use Twitter for your business.

Set up a Twitter Account (if you don’t have one already)
Tweet a Page/Post on Your Site
Tweet at least ONE of your Articles
Tweet about a Trending Topic (from TrendsMap.com)

Lesson 6 – Google Plus or Minus?

This lesson is being replaced due to Google plus being phased out – I will update once available

Lesson 7 – The Benefit of Being Social at WA

This lesson shows you how creating content on wealthy affiliates and sharing Wealthy Affiliate content can make you money.

Create a blog post OR question at WA
Share your post on Facebook
Create one more post on your website targeting a new keyword

Lesson 8 – Make Your Campaigns Social Branding Animals

The more people engage and share your content the more opportunities you have to engage your audience, the more that happens the more opportunities you have to help someone with their problem. This one lesson may be the difference between you achieving the success you desire or not. There are gold nuggets in this timeless lesson.

Create a new page/post on your website
Share your post on Facebook & Twitter
Pin your post to Pinterest

Lesson 9 – Using the Wealthy Affiliate Social Community

Wealthy Affiliate is a massive community of Affiliate Marketers who began just like you, are just starting like you or are where you want to be. There is constant discussion about Affiliate Marketing that you can be a part of or not, totally optional. I don’t engage every day but when I have a moment or too will get involved by asking or answering questions. I see a lot of people getting help for free from the community. The community is very giving of their knowledge.

Watch Video on Sharing Content at WA
Share at least one post on your Facebook
Share at least one post on Pinterest
Share at least one training resource on Twitter

Lesson 10 – You Cannot Be a Master of Everything

Out of all the lessons in Level 4, this lesson is probably the most important. Why because it helps you place your efforts where your business will get the best results. Social media is a great reason when used right, but can also be a massive time sink. This lesson helps you navigate the question of where should I as the business owner focus my efforts.

Create a How/Why/When List of your social networks
Decide which social networks you want to put into Share Only mode
Create ONE new post on your website and publish it
Share your new post on the THREE main social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)

Click below to jump to the other OEC training levels

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 - Getting startedLevel 1 Getting Started
Wealthy Affiliate Level 2 Building your own traffic producing websiteLevel 2 Building your own traffic-producing website
Wealthy Affiliate Level 3 - Making MoneyLevel 3 Making money
Wealthy Affiliate Level 4 Mastering Social EngagementLevel 4 Mastering Social Engagement
Wealthy Affiliate Level 5 achieving maximum success through content creationLevel 5 Achieving maximum success through content creation.

Read our Wealthy Affiliate Review

Our wealthy affiliate review covers the parts of Wealthy Affiliate that are not covered here, things like membership, website hosting, earning money and more.

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